Corona virus has changed the way we do school.

I have just finished my first week of the 8th grade. 


It is very different than what I am used  to. We have Virtual Learning now which is like regular school except on the computer from home. 

I am glad because  I can see my friends faces. Oh how I missed my friends. 

We still switch classes like we would if we were in person. They even have gym and art class still. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Virtual school has not been terrible (so far). It allows me to have time to get my school work during self-directed work times. It also allows me to see my teacher and my friends.  When Corona first came and we were all sent home it was very chaotic and we weren't online much. So this is different and has been better for me. Using my planner to write down due dates and assignments has been helpful. 

The only thing I don't  like is my brother is also doing virtual learning and he can be loud sometimes while I am still in class. We have decided to do our class in our rooma so we dont disturb each other. I think that was a great decision. 

We are only supposed to be at home 🏡 Virtual Learning for 5 weeks then the schools will assess the virus to determine if we can return in person. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I will keep you guys posted on how this goes. 

-Jazmya Destiny

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